You can meet a celebrity, and be amazed by how small they are in real life – the avatar is bigger than the physical container. A person is a person is a person. But a persons fame is not part of their personhood – its an avatar created by a group focus. Every time we hear a song, sing along, utter a stars name or see it written, our focus is directed towards them and feeds the stars avatar. If you were to lay out all the avatars currently being maintained by our group focus, you would have a qualitative map of human cultures energetic focus.
The type, direction and velocity of our collective focus is measured by the anthology of avatars we create – the hall of fame. When a star dies, it impacts the topology of this map, and our focus is redirected elsewhere. By looking at the changing terrain of the energetic map, you would get a sense of where humanity is at; a reflection of humanitys changing relationship with itself.
The death of an avatar is significant, because it shows what ideals, states of being and personalities are being shed from humanitys consciousness, in order to make room for the new.
Music is a case in point. A musician may be brilliant, but their work may only have a small psychic relevance to humanity, despite their talent and their devoted fans. I dont judge, but I would guess that most classical music has a far greater psychic impact because its format and essence are detached from the culture of the day, allowing it to come from somewhere eternal and essential. The harmonies and polyphony of J.S.Bach contain geometry, pattern, and order that is as old at the Universe itself. J.S.Bach is heard throughout the Universe. On the other hand, I like Prince (the artist formally known as), but Princes music references a culture and a way of being that is so tiny and specific, it doesnt carry.
The other elements of personhood is the physical container, and the soul. The soul animates and motivates the physical container, not the other way round. The soul chooses when to leave, and then the body expires – not the other way round. The body doesnt arbitralily fail, which allows the soul to escape – the disease starts as an agreement made in another physicality, long before it becomes observable in our physicality. This is the process of natural death.