As the era of Postmodernism ends it naturally invokes more exacting critique, especially since the volatilility of the present implies a taut rejection of yesterdays theories, rather than a measured shift by subtle layers. The purpose of this critique anticipates that kind of abrupt departure, into a reality where the pieces do not necessarily need to settle to make sense, when a heightened state of emergency transfers aspirations to the cultish, eccentric and esoteric. In this case, theorizing can be bound to a new level of nutritional and environmental awareness. The concept is simple; that under certain conditions I am only capable of coming to certain conclusions, underpinned by what I ingest and inhale. The family tree of interrelated assumptions under the Postmodern genus were written, after all, as rational linear arguments that originated as chemical changes in the brain. This level goes beyond biographical detail, in order to understand the pervasive medical landscape that, though never alluded to, is responsible in deciding what kind of realizations a person can come to. This incisive level of critique is also necessary, since the chemical landscape of Postmodernity continues today. Though new strategies are birthed, their purity may be threatened by the toxic haze of a longstanding chemical exposure. The visual change in the sky from blue to a blanket of dull grey produces a reduction in visual, sensual and chemical stimulation. The blocking of sunlight, for example, prevents the natural production of vitamins that would build the immune system. Living under a grey sky also flattens visual stimulus and the emotion and motivation derived from it. This alone is enough to reduce the emotional palette and maintain a constant feeling of introspective gloom. If this scene is then supplemented by dystopian narrative in cinema, it comes to be accepted as normal. Airborne heavy metals such as Aluminium and Barium Oxide also fall to the ground and are inhaled, causing a range of physical and mental effects. These include – but are not limited to – a reduced immune system, opening the door to many common viruses, cancers and pathogens, vague euphoria, short-term memory loss, loss of cooridnation, depression and a general surpression of the ability to concentrate, and hence meditate (inner retrospection). The general vista is one where constant levels of melancholy and disease are maintained and established as nothing other than conventional. The wholesale rejection of eccentricity, the sombre minimalism, the dead-ended materialism, cold irony and downright nihilistic conclusions made in the name of Postmodernism are intimiately linked to the inhiliation of heavy metals, placed in the sky. Watch, after the streaks turn a blue sky grey, and run for cover. Along with Acesulfame K, Sacharin,,,,,,, aspartame is the artificial sweetener added to the majority if commercially available foods, drinks and confectionary. It frequently appears with other sweeteners, which are known to compliment its genocidal effects. Aspertame is a molecular fusion of Aspertyl, Phenylalanine and Methyl Ester, which when reacted inside the body forms Formaldyhyde and other derivatives. As with air pollutants, the key to its quiet success is the ‘slow kill’. Added in small enough amounts so it cannot be the sole cause, its chemistry works in tandem with environmental factors, which culminate in a diverse and non-distinct range of ailments, including tumours, lesions, lymphoma, blood glucose disorders, blood pressure changes, dizziness, vague euphoria, depression Warhol once claimed he quickly got bored of the flavor of gum, and immeadiately required another piece to maintain the ‘hit’. Though this is equally figurative of the effects of Monosodium glutemate (added to foods to enhance flavour and increase apetite at the same time, which can also be held responsible for a particular kind of eager embrace of consumerism), Aspartame’s influence marks itself most clearly in his philosophies, which only required the the interaction between certain chemicals to envelope his psychological disposition. The image of ‘coolness’ of the gum chewer is parralell to the feeling of apathy its artificial sweeteners invokes. Warhol’s desire to become a robot, to escape the eccentricity of human emotion, the very image of ‘cool’ is where fashion and toxicology mingle to create a culture maintained by fear, lubricated with the corresponding chemistry.Chewing Gum NihilismThe keystone in the palace of chemical control is apathy. If one is ultimately apathetic, one is beyond helping oneself. It is the willing acceptance of victimization, the abandon of all hope as the needle injects a ‘cure’, it is living in a prison of forgetfulness, it is the total loss of childhood curiosity. The chemical symbol for apathy is NaFl, Sodium Fluroide. Added to municiple drinking water, bottled water and dental products, namely toothpaste, it was originally used by the Soviet gulags to prevent an uprising and keep prisoners weak-willed. For all the desease and suffering caused by chemical reactions, a general feeling of apathy is the most dangerous because it makes that suffering more acceptable. If not nihilism, it is kitchen sink realism, it is the dwelling of Kitchen sink realismThe same victim state is also pronounced in some strands of feminism. In this sense, work of the self-victimizing variety plays straight into the hands of those who would cause such victimization. To mock a photograph of suffering is to only escalate suffering; think how that has been incorperated into the language of fashion, the music industry, and images of celebrity.If future emergent movements do form in autonomous and consolidated form, the most radical and interesting will be armed by an avoidance of immune-weakening and depression-inducing toxins. The modification in lifestyle would bring about a new paradigm based on the chemical superiority of nature, a fusion of ‘rememberance’ and evasion.The act of evasion on such a total scale would naturally invite a modification of daily life. The chores associated with self-sufficiency and initiating a self-sufficient circle of covert mutual exchange (meaning it would take place outside of electronic verification and databasing) would bring sustained focus to a defined goal. A discernment of nutrition necessarily leads to a politicised opposition to more passive consumption, a clearer head is drawn to the unambiguous, and a distrust of that which cannot be easily grasped. Is a philosophy in which truth cannot be held and reality cannot be felt ultimately desirable? What if processes of rumination are enacted within the rather black and white facts of nutrition?