The meaning and origin of words reveals their intent. The programmed emotional associations that can be attached to words allow their intent to go undetected. If that happens, those who are unaware of the meaning and origin of the word are the victims of a deception. Such a deception exists with the word Culture.
For most, the word Culture is associated with an aquaintance of taste in arts, hunaities and sciences. However, the origin of the word derives from Cultus, meaning a tilled piece of land. In this sense, the products of Culture are Cultivated by a farmer, who has autonomy over his Culture. Therefore, those who have been Cultured are dependent on the autonomy of the source that Cultivates. How do we gain autonomy? Why, the only way would be to live freely, without Cultivation, without the depency of a farmer, who decides what should survive and thrive, or be thrown on the compost heap.
In essence, this analogy serves to the make the following point: those who are Cultured by definition of the word cannot represent the totality of the Culture of which they form. The only way to represent the Culture is by going outside of it, with anonymity, and by resisting represenation within Culture.
Now lets bring this to the real world: The events in Greece will trigger a systemic failure of the global financial system, in which Country after Country defaults on its untenable debts. The sudden devaulation of globally traded currecnies has the following inevitable outcome: financial collapse, commercial collapse, political collapse, social collapse and finally, cultural collapse.
Those who consider themselves Cultured have the most to lose. They have the most psychological investment in the validity of the Culture in which they claim to contribute to. And so, they will be the last to understand exactly what is happening. The Cultured will measure everything in tired old belief systems (Left Wing vs. Right Wing, Pro/Anti), attempt to frame all outside of Culture as mere obscurity, when it will be Culture that is falling away from under the feet of the Cultured!
The declaration of the emergence of The Unrepresentable is revealing, in so far as it is a declaration from inside Culture: the members of the artworld, the intelligencia, noble prize winners, metrosexuals, magazine editors!…the admission that this global movement is Unrepresentable only proves its success in remaining outside of Cultural representation!
As a member of this movement, I would like to speed the process of Cultural collapse by offering a definition of what Culture claims to be unrepresentable: This movement can be considered a general awakening. The premise of this awakening has already been outlined: Culture is not, as we are lead to believe, a product of honest human effort, but is Cultivated, guided, and steered by a force that appropriates human effort for its own agenda. The deception of Culture is that is allows those who are Cultured to believe that they are free, when the agaenda of that which Cultivates tends to the opposite direction: to tyrrany. The analogy above mentioned the famer. But we can be specific. If you follow the origin of every move against human freedom, against every effort of control, you will be lead to one institution: the Central Bank.