Roman Lead

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A fascinating proposition is that objects may not be physical, their volume diffuse rather than localised. That there exists, and always has existed, a measure of objecthood that takes into…

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I remember the day they told me I could go home. I'd been there so long I couldn't remember how to get there, or what it looked like. When I…

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Long pause WOMAN: Things like this, they are beautiful but…they don’t really…they’re just imposing really aren’t they. You don’t nesercerilly enjoy them more than anywhere else, its just that…(trails off).…

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Chaucer Poem

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Lo these days of lakkyng governaunce, Mankynde himself his soul emcombraunce, But yonde this age of unlykly rot, Remember now what shullen be forgot; Al Terestre koude brenneth a-morwe, And…

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